Which way do I go?

Life is full of issues from the small so called insignifficant, to major life changing decisions that affect us and the world around us.When push comes to shove we have to make choices.
As Christians seeking Gods guidance is paramount but the reallity is hearing and understanding the Father heart of God and the reprocussions of our actions seems increasingly more difficult especially when it does have a knock on effect.
Direction taken in its litteral sense is a choice, but as we seek Him we want our lives to be in His will.
Jesus was and is the ultimate leader so as we strive in a world that bombards us daily with allsorts of subliminal junk, how do we cut through this jungle and see the Glory that is before us?
Scripture tells us to wear the full armour of God, to seek first His kingdom, pray in all circumstances. So its simple??
Painful as it may be, a significant emotional event can be the catalyst for choosing a direction that serves us-and those around us - more effectively. Look for the learning.
Louisa May Alcott
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