Image of the week

For your meditation ucb notes
02 Nov 2006
The Titanic received five iceberg warnings just before it went down. When the sixth message came during the wee hours of the morning: 'Look out for icebergs,' the operator wired back 'Shut-up! I'm busy!' Thirty minutes later the great vessel; whose captain said, 'Even God couldn't sink this ship;' was sinking fast. What happened? They forgot the truth about icebergs. What they saw above the water couldn't have sunk the great ship. But unfortunately most of an iceberg is below the water. Do you know what? That iceberg represents your life! The 10% above the water is your reputation, the 90% below is your character. And it's what's below the surface that sinks your ship. What is character? a) self-discipline - the ability to do what's right, even when you don't feel like it b) core values - principles you live by in spite of the pressures around you c) sense of identity - a self-image based on who God, not others, says you are d) emotional security - the capacity to be emotionally stable and consistent. Your life's greatest impact doesn't come from what you own, but from what you are. Jesus said, '"Each tree is recognized by its own fruit...The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart..."' (Luke 6:44-45 NIV). Whatever's happening today on the outside of your life comes from what's happening on the inside. God puts 'being' before 'doing.' He prioritises taking care of the inside (your heart) because that will determine what takes place on the outside (your behaviour). Think about it!
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