'Pauline finds a Christmas verse'

The following greeting was with my Christmas keepsakes.
(I can’t remember now where it came from)
(I can’t remember now where it came from)
I am wishing you this day a happy Christmas
I would send you those gifts that are beyond price,
outlast time and bridge all space.
I wish you all laughter and pure joy,
a merry heart and a clear conscience,
and love that thinks no evil,
is not easily provoked, and seeks not its own;
the fragrance of flowers,
the sweet associations of holly and mistletoe and fir,
the memory of deep woods of peaceful hills,
and of the mantling snow,
which guards the sleep of all God's creatures.
I wish that the spirit of Christmastime
may draw you into companionship with Him who giveth all.
Come let us adore Him.
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