Remedy for Pain Relief

Pauline has been in a great deal of pain with a bad shoulder for months now, but this morning while drying herself after a shower we both heard a click, there followed a brief period of agonising pain, then relief then a sense of freedom of movement and no pain.
We can carry pain and burdens all of our lives, (Pilgrims progress) or for shorter periods following injury or even hurts through a bad relationship or a disagreement.
As the new year approaches let us offer up our lives afresh to Him who is able to cleanse heal and restore. There may be pain involved but His ways are not ours and that sense of joy, thankfulness,relief soon puts the problem into perspective.
Often we have to play our part in the healing process allowing the revelation of what can be, revealing to us what we need to do. Thats if we dare to listen or be prompted by His Spirit.
A new approach to obedience (2)
29 Dec 2006 ucb notes
Jesus said, '"Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My load is light"' (Matthew 11:29-30 NAS). Some of those who heard these words were farmers who used oxen to plough. They understood Jesus because they wouldn't dream of putting an ill-fitting harness on their oxen that caused them to chafe. Nor would God! And these farmers understood something else: without a harness oxen can't be directed and won't fulfil their highest purpose - to be productive. 'But if I'm supposed to have this desire deep down to obey God, why can't I find it?' you say. First, because you still live in a body of flesh. And Until God gives you a new body you'll contend with the lower impulses of your old one. The second reason many of us don't feel this inbuilt desire to obey, is that it's been covered by calluses built up over years of doing things because we had to. It's like the hard dry skin that builds up on your feet. That hard layer has to be removed to get to the soft skin underneath. That's usually the first thing a doctor does when treating your feet. In the same way, the Holy Spirit has to remove the calluses from our hearts as part of the softening process that makes us receptive to God's will. And how does He do that? Through love! Our love for Christ in response to what He's done for us.
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