I guess it takes practice!

We popped over the moor the other day to see the Chinese State Circus,it was very entertaining, better than watching the tv, good old live entertainment.
Again we are so blessed to have interesting things going on on our doorstep.
Anyway my thought stems from two men who were juggling and spinning plates, keeping them all rotating at the same time then running up and down as the audience shouted, alerting them to those that were about to fall.
I find myself so often these days saying yes to so many people then wonder why I have so many jobs to do in such a small amount of time, or visits that I should be making but not being able to do.
Focus on your core competencies ucb notes
Howard Hendricks says, ?As a young leader, my biggest mistake was allowing my time to be eaten up with things outside my core competencies. I wanted to set the pace for others, to demonstrate that nothing was beneath me, so I devoted an inordinate amount of time to things I wasn?t good at ? things I?d never be good at. At the same time I invested little energy into developing my strengths. I worked hard but not smart. Finally, I realised that my true value lay within the context of my giftedness ? not the number of hours I worked. There were some balls I?d no business juggling. When I finally got the courage to let them fall to the floor, I began to excel in juggling the two or three balls I was created to keep in the air in the first place. And the amazing thing is, people came long and picked up the other balls. What I couldn?t relinquish were the opportunities they?d been waiting for. What drained me fuelled them.? Of the two or three things that define success for you, which of them are in line with your core competencies? That is where you must focus your energies! That is where you?ll excel. Within that narrowed context you?ll make the greatest contribution. And best of all, you?ll enjoy what you do! ?But I can?t afford to focus all my energies on one or two things?. Maybe not yet, but that should be your goal. It?s something you should be working toward if you ever hope to maximise your potential.
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