Lead us ever onward!

The weather seems to of finally changed, and a warm sunny spell (summer) is upon us.The seasons do appear to be all over the place lately. Gods seasons are also I guess unpredictable, but there is a certain amount of excitement not knowing what He has planned for us. Pauline and I are just about to step into a new season in our lives and we feel a new sense of joy at what we are about to enter, we feel literally at an open door.Sometimes as we get older we feel we have nothing to give, but if we stay in His will, He will lead us into new areas of ministry whatever age we are. I woke up in the night with this Winston Churchill quote repeating in my mind.
"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."
What an encouragement....
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