What are we looking for?

The following is part of an artical in todays news http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/click_online/5392906.stm
Social networks raise some fascinating questions, and perhaps offer some clues about how we will be reaching out to each other in future.
The virtual world of Second Life is a highly sophisticated online social network where around 400,000 users play out their lives in thousands of acres of digital space.
In the words of the U2 song
"I still haven't found what i'm looking for"
I would ask the question have we or are we all still looking?
If society is to continue in the way that it was meant to (created to be community) a living breathing loving growing body of life.There needs to be dialogue and eye contact the feeling of belonging to something worthwhile.
So is the virtual world a sad place where sad people find answers and love or is there a better way?
Answers on a postcard
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