Keep on running!

Today is the day when thousands of dedicated people run the London marathon. They have trained and strained for hours and hours preparing their bodies and minds for this one special day.26 miles of physical endurance, few will find it easy,others will struggle hitting the wall, others will fall by the way but at least they tried , someone once said" better to have tried and failed, than not to have tried at all" and a great deal of money raised for charities in the process.Good role models are few in the race of life but if you find one seek their wisdom watch them at work ask them questions and learn.Joe is in his nineties he has run the race and continues His work though his physical pace has slowed his spiritual life is still strong. Seek out the wise, and run along side them for a while.
Marathon quote"Pain is temporary,failure is forever"
1 Cor 9:24-25 (TEB) ...In a race all the runners take part in it, but only one of them wins the prize. Run, then, in such a way as to win the prize. Every athlete in training submits to strict discipline; he does so in order to be crowned with a wreath that will not last; but we do it for one that will last forever.
1 Tim 4:7-10 (TEB) ...Keep yourself in training for a godly life. Physical exercise has some value in it, but spiritual exercise is valuable in every way, because it promises life both for now and for the future. This is a true saying, to be completely accepted and believed. That is why we struggle and work hard...
Working with difficult personalities.
UCB NOTES 22 Apr 2007
Many people dream of being in full time ministry. Their goal is to work where there's praise music playing and co-workers praying. With Scripture verses on the wall and crosses around every neck, they imagine such a place to be holy, always joyful and peaceful. They believe that in such a place one of their primary sources of stress - getting along with difficult people - will disappear. Don't you believe it! Paul and Barnabas, two great Christian leaders, fought so badly over John Mark that they had to split up. The early church experienced financial squabbles, moral scandals and doctrinal disputes. Understand this: until the Lord comes back you'll always experience difficulty relating to certain people. There's very little difference in how people operate when they're under pressure. The mind is not new, it is constantly being renewed - even the minds of Christians. This doesn't mean they're not sincere, it just means they're not as mature as they should be. Pettiness, greed, ambition and favouritism all creep in as the enemy fires his darts and hopes to create a flame. So if we are going to thrive in our hostile environments, we must increase our capacity to work with difficult personalities. How? By preparing yourself spiritually through prayer and the reading of God's Word before you get to work. By committing to be Christ-like on the job in your attitudes and actions. Will you always succeed? No! Will you be stretched? Yes! Can it be done? Absolutely! '"My grace is sufficient for thee..."' (2 Corinthians 12:9 KJV). How do you become more gracious? By drawing on God's grace each day!
Many people dream of being in full time ministry. Their goal is to work where there's praise music playing and co-workers praying. With Scripture verses on the wall and crosses around every neck, they imagine such a place to be holy, always joyful and peaceful. They believe that in such a place one of their primary sources of stress - getting along with difficult people - will disappear. Don't you believe it! Paul and Barnabas, two great Christian leaders, fought so badly over John Mark that they had to split up. The early church experienced financial squabbles, moral scandals and doctrinal disputes. Understand this: until the Lord comes back you'll always experience difficulty relating to certain people. There's very little difference in how people operate when they're under pressure. The mind is not new, it is constantly being renewed - even the minds of Christians. This doesn't mean they're not sincere, it just means they're not as mature as they should be. Pettiness, greed, ambition and favouritism all creep in as the enemy fires his darts and hopes to create a flame. So if we are going to thrive in our hostile environments, we must increase our capacity to work with difficult personalities. How? By preparing yourself spiritually through prayer and the reading of God's Word before you get to work. By committing to be Christ-like on the job in your attitudes and actions. Will you always succeed? No! Will you be stretched? Yes! Can it be done? Absolutely! '"My grace is sufficient for thee..."' (2 Corinthians 12:9 KJV). How do you become more gracious? By drawing on God's grace each day!
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