"Enough plants and water to feed more than a dozen people is fed to livestock to produce a single meal for a meat-eating human. I'm no mathematician, but I'm guessing if we weren't breeding and feeding the world's 55 billion farm animals, we'd solve the human hunger crisis in approximately four-and-a-half minutes. Not to mention that animal agriculture accounts for the majority of water and soil degradation, contributes more to global warming than all transportation combined, and is responsible for virtually all of the rainforest destruction on the planet. Farmed animals in the U.S. alone create 86,000 pounds of excrement per second, and none of it goes through sewage treatment plants. The damage that commercial fishing has done to the oceans cannot even be accurately measured because it is hidden from view, but experts estimate that between 40 to 70 percent of ocean life has been eliminated by commercial fishing in the last 100 years, and as many as 90 percent of large fish are gone, probably forever."
Dan Piraro
There is already more than enough food in the world to feed every living person. The problem is not one of volume but of distribution.
However, the impact on the environment as well as the tendancy to make people more aggressive may well be good reasons to stop eating red meat.
As for the Harvest Festival, I don't think I've ever seen at prime steak at the fornt of the church!
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