'A word in season'

We are so fortunate to live opposite the moor, having a green space to enjoy in a world where everywhere appears to be changing into shades of grey by the ever spreading concrete jungle.
At preseant the leaves are a wonderful colour, something to do with the sugar content I hear.
Anyway Autumn, a new season is upon us,and last night the surprise guests at our housegroup were Kath and Graham, we made christmas cards prayed and sang songs together.they also shared about their new church Forest Town, http://www.foresttownchurch.org/
People come into our lives for a season and we are so blessed by them, but often as the season passes we may forget about them. So it is a blessing to stay in touch and share how God continues His work.
I'm reminded of those verses from Ecclesiastes 3 made into that classic 60's song by the Byrds
To everything -turn, turn,turn
There is a season -turn, turn, turn
and a time for every purpose under heaven
A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep
To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven
A time to build up, a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones
A time to gather stones together
To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven
A time of war, a time of peace
A time of love a time of hate
A time you may embrace
A time to refrain from embracing
To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven
A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rend, a time to sew
A time to love, a time to hate
A time of peace, I swear it's not too late!
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