Who do you think you are?

Watching "Who do you think you are"the other night, it was so interesting to see Matthew Pinsent uncover his family history. We watched as one member of his family was responsible for opium dealers and houses in China during the late 19th century, but then his tree went back directly to Catherine Howard the sixth wife of Henry VIII. This line then led back through Catherines father to Edward I and even further to William the Conqueror.
The Genealogist then said that going back to beyond this royalty had to be linked back to Jesus, King David, Adam and Eve then straight to Yes even God! Something to tell the grandchildren.
As Christians it doesn't matter where or what we were in the past the bible tells us.
A. We were made in His image (Gods) Genesis
B.We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalms
C. We are a chosen people a royal priesthood belonging to God .1 Peter
So unlike the false genealogy that the royals are linked back to God, we can be certain that if we believe and live lives dedicated to God through Jesus we are directly related to Him.
Something to tell the grandchildren and anybody else!!
Something to tell the grandchildren and anybody else!!
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